Billed to death by credit card company...

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Caffeine Addict
IT'S important to keep your finances in order all through your life. See what happens if you don't cancel your credit cards before death. Read this e-mail I got:

A man's aunt died in January and the bank billed her for February and March.

Nephew: My aunt died in January.
Bank: The account was never closed and late charges apply.
Nephew: But she is dead.
Bank staff tells man to speak to the supervisor. The supervisor asks for the death certificate and it is faxed to him.

Supervisor: Our system isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.
Nephew: If you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her.... Would you like her new address?
Supervisor: Yes.
Nephew: Kranji Cemetery.
Tell the stupid bank to keep Billing, and when the bank clerk gors to heaven, tell him to collect it......hahahahaha
pretty hilarious
Really Funny actually....UI fowarded the message to my friends.....they agree with me too, the bank shud send its policy makers after the AUNT. :rofl:
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