Well, I am not sure if you are serious when you ask to prove robbing is more difficult than hacking a computer. The simplest of reason is the human element (guards/physical security) involved. If you are, then I think you don't know what an exploit is.First of all I'm not surprised at all, I know about litecoins too.. was considering mining them at a point, but then I thought better of it and yeah I also know there are other such up and comping crypto-currencies.
Secondly, can u actually prove that robbing a bank is more difficult than hacking a computer(and oh thats oversimplification coz you cant simply hack a computer, there's more to it) ?
I acknowledge your point of view but I completely disagree with it.
Thirdly,yes bitcoins are actually too volatile to be used in business at least right now, but from an investment point of view I can see its only gone up. That's what attracts me as an investor, yes the research material on it is light but like everything else, there is always a method to the madness, sensex fell 800 points on Friday and I'm quite sure a lot of money changed hands but I'm still quite unsure why the drop was so large and so sudden. Also,yes its(BTC) value may drop, and in fact I think its already extensively used to launder money so I guess you are right there.
I have heard of Silk Road , its almost synonymous with Bitcoins but didn't know about Atlantis . But its a major misconception that BTC has its roots in Silk Road. Bitcoins came into being sometime around 2008, Silk Road began in 2011.
As for Silk Road and BTC, when I say roots I means it gained attention(and price rise) only after being adopted on Silk Road. It dint really matter before 2011. If you dont believe me, look at the BTC charts:
There is significant volume but no price change before Feb 2011.