BitGamer raise the bar when it comes to promotions


Promotion & Invite Systems Overhaul

Promotions Overhaul
We have increased the requirements for promotion to Power User and Elite User.

Previous requirements / New Requirements

Power User:
Membership: 2 weeks / 4 weeks
Uploaded: 10 GB / 50 GB
Ratio: 1.05 / 1.05
Active downloads allowed: 10 / 25

Elite User:
Membership: 8 weeks / 16 weeks
Uploaded: 50 GB / 250 GB
Ratio: 1.25 / 1.25
Active downloads allowed: 15 / 50

Additionally, to become an Elite User, you must make 10 forum posts and 10 torrent comments.
Members who were promoted previously and don't meet the new requirements will not be demoted.
Invites Overhaul
We overhauled the invite system to cut down on the sheer number of invites that were floating around previously (well over 100,000). The system will now give out 1 invite every 15 days to Power Users and above who have a ratio above 1.00 and at least 10 GB uploaded.
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