asingh Staff member Keymaster Oct 11, 2011 #1 Anyone facing issues with BBM and EDGE/3G. All data service have been down past 7-8 hours. Now just got an SMS that Asia, ME, and E are facing intermittent down time. ?
Anyone facing issues with BBM and EDGE/3G. All data service have been down past 7-8 hours. Now just got an SMS that Asia, ME, and E are facing intermittent down time. ?
B bennick12 Contributor Oct 11, 2011 #2 Can confirm that, Just got the message as well. Looks like a global issue, hope they solve it soon,
vivek.krishnan BLR~ZRS-TX-1-MX Luminary Oct 11, 2011 #4 10 lakh BlackBerry users in India hit by global glitch - Hindustan Times
XTechManiac Forerunner Oct 11, 2011 #6 Lava phone: 1 ; BB: 0 Sent from my LG Optimus One using Tapatalk.
wingmysoul Discoverer Oct 11, 2011 #7 It was shut from 4 pm yesterday, started again early this morning.
asingh Staff member Keymaster Oct 11, 2011 #8 Seems to be fine now. Took the SPs around 8 hours to send the SMS.