Monitors Bluish tinge on monitor screen! Help!!

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Well i am getting a complete bluish tinge on my monitor screen. I cannot diffrentiate the read and black colours and it seems as if the red colour is completely gone.

Sometimes in the middle the colour automatically becomes normal with red colours being visible but as suddenly as it comes it soon vanishes on its own with the bluish tinge coming back. Its complete random behaviour with normal colours coming and bluish tinge coming.

There is no display setting wrong. I am running on a old LG 45v 14" monitor.(yaa this is my secondary comp) with a geforce4 graphics card.

Also the problem started when i ran a supposed full screen dos application (exe file which came with some NFO... was virus free though) as soon as it ran my monitor went blank , all the indicator lights glowed and the system restarted. But after that this is happening. Now for about 10+ days.

I think my red colour producing component is gone.
What i wanna know is that is this a monitor problem(which is ok cos then i was planning to replace it anyway and can get it repaired for the time being) or is my graphics card gone(heaven forbid if that happens.)

Plz help guys... :huh:
Try cleaning the AGP slot with a dry brush after removing the card. Your Gcard isnt gone.

However I think the cause is a blown transistor in your monitor. Get it repaired but then who the hell gets a 14" monitor repaired So better get a new one.
dudez.......check this out!!!

1.) firstly r u sure u hav a geforce 4 and not geforce mx
2.) if its geforce mx......get it checked for ram issues.......there is some sorta problem in the soldering of the pins coz of which it leads to current leakage cozin color fadin, color change etc

3.) next, see if the pin 7 of the monitor video cable is intact..for tat matter check all the pins....

4.) a temporary thing...try degaussing

5.) see if u hav some magnetic source near ur monitor..lik speakers etc......remove em from there

if none of the above then........POOF!!!
and yeah i forgot.....jus check ur monitor witout ur geforce card first...try wit the on-board card...

and am sure its no blown transistor in ur monitor......coz the VLSI designs in the modern age don allow tat....its only tat capacitors blow in picture tube circuits.....or the Synchronization IC.....the repairs cost u around 250 bucks only (indian currency)
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