Bought a New PC!


Well guys, after all your help, I finally went ahead and bought a new PC.

AMD x2 phenom 550 - 5200
Asus motherboard (forgot the serial no..)- 2100
2gb DDR 2 ram - 1140
250GB seagate HDD - 2100
17 inch CRT monitor (had a limited budget so a CRT...) - 2.8k
ATI 4850 512 meg version - 7800 (I know amarbir had one for a grand lesser but I'm impatient)

Also a 500 watt psu + cabinet again, around 4000 bucks.

Total came out to around ~26500

Thanks for your help all.
In approximately 1 hour, I'll be playing games which Ive never played before :D. Bye bye integrated..haha!!
I just made a big screw up..ROFL. And I just realized it..haha.

Nothing catastrophic actually, just forgot to buy a DVD drive....oh well, I'll use the one on my laptop and my ipod. Barely use DVD drives anyways and as it is they're cheap.
Zebronics 550W. I thought about the cooler master but that was slightly expensive (not earning yet, trying to save papajis cash as much as I can). And well, I haven't got it yet. The dudes installing windows and the drivers cause like I said, I forgot to buy a DVD writer/reader...

I'll put pics as soon as I get it. If Bangalore stops losing power every 15 minutes hed have delivered it by now..
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
I just made a big screw up..ROFL. And I just realized it..haha.

Nothing catastrophic actually, just forgot to buy a DVD drive....oh well, I'll use the one on my laptop and my ipod. Barely use DVD drives anyways and as it is they're cheap.

Haha XD
Happens... Congratulations on the new rig. :)