Brand New mx518 for sale!

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Hey guys, im selling a boxed-packed MX518 (with 3 yr Logitech International Warranty) for Rs.2250/-.

No catches. No tricks.

PM me if you are interested.
Well... I am interested... But only if you can do a barter... I have a brand new MS IE 3.0... I will add money and pick this up... Let me know if you are interested...

Waise a very nice deal for 2250/- alone...
Its still on sale. rocky.
Switch, i cant do a barter, whatll i do with a MS IE 3.0 man?
no1 wants it :p.

anishcool, it has the MX Optical Engine, which i think is Dual.
Off topic: @ Rocky:dnt mind my saying this bt tht avatar really freaks me out in a vry evil sorta way...cud u chnge it plzzz :ashamed:
HAHAHA....ok dude suit urself...jst somethin tht made go like "WT*" when i saw a bit of the movie n decided never to watch it again...guess this bcomin like spammin now...sorry goldenfrag, i wnt post anythin more irrelevant
Okey i am not low balling but all i can afford is Rs 2000 that is inclusve of shipping... If okwith you then PM me or confirm here...
If it is still up for sale i am interested... Get back to me Via PM... I hope its Unopened Box packed...
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