Hi all we had purchased few SSD for my friends office but he doesnt need it now and wants to sell it off. It was purchased yesterday from PrimeABGB. Bill is dated 9th july 2011. Will be uploading by tom as i will be getting it tom from him . Anyone interested please pm me ur offers . SSD was bought for 9300 .
CURRENT Market price
Buy OCZ Vertex | OCZ Vertex 2 OCZSSD2 2VTXE90G 2.5"
Selling price 8500 Outside mumbai and Within mumbai 8400. 800 FRS FLAT DISCOUNT .
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CURRENT Market price
Buy OCZ Vertex | OCZ Vertex 2 OCZSSD2 2VTXE90G 2.5"
Selling price 8500 Outside mumbai and Within mumbai 8400. 800 FRS FLAT DISCOUNT .
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