


More pics + a review over the weekend (3 tests + 1 presentation scheduled for tomorrow, all praise the Engg Degree! :))

Damage = INR75k with Indian Bill and Warranty (i.e. 4% off Regular price. PM me if your interested in getting one for this price)
am expecting someone to PM you about this very soon :p

congrats though, although am still to figure out why would someone need this to aid him getting his engineering degree here :p
@Rave --- You talking abt SC? I think he will be next in line to buy this. I'm very surprised he hasnt bought it already!!

Anish, awesome stuff!! Congrats!! Show it to me this weekend when I'm in Goa :D
hehe, was waiting for my sale to go thru and Techie confirmed it a lil while ago

should have this in my hands by next week hopefully :D

Anish, you need to pass on the gory details abt the screen and the general feel of the machine

hopin' to catch you on im