Broke my resolution again !!!!


Just broke my resolution of no more purchases for the year by purchasing the below stuff.



The phone is a gift for a friend of mine in NZ ,the fuze is for me.My d2+ conked off :(

Damages: 6.2K for Phone,paid 4.8K for the fuze and not 5.2K( ebay)
vercetti said:
Let me be the first one to congratulate:)

Fuze is a great buy...seller is pristine note I guess...

Thanks mate,yeah the seller is pristine note

blr_p said:
Congrats :)

How long did you have that d2+ for ?

Less than a year got it through KMD .Did not have time for RMA through him ,weill be getting the RMA done from Korea.
Sweet!!! Congrats!!

Bro i really need the feedback on the Fuze...

Also can you please pass on the the info on the source of purchase?
ajab.ghajab said:

btw, whats with the BSNL logo on the phone?

It is an promotional offer from BSNL,got a 3G sim free with the phone and some downloads free.Its of no use to me as i am leaving India tomorrow night :cry:

FaH33m said:
Congrats ! Hope you liked the Fuze or else I am dead :ashamed:.

Well u are not good.I am liking it its way far better sounding than the d2+ .Needs a lot of burn-in time .Just started off with ASOT 450 Day 5.

Most probably will break the resolution again in Singapore (Jaben)

ViKiD said:
Sweet!!! Congrats!!

Bro i really need the feedback on the Fuze...

Also can you please pass on the the info on the source of purchase?

Will pass the info after burn-in time.I got it from ebay seller pristine note
desiibond said:

am confused here. are you doing burn-in for earphones or for fuze? I never heard burn-in for a mp3 player.

Thanks mate.I am doing burn-in for mp3 player.Yes it certainly needs.Burn-in is a kind of myth.I do believe in burn-in.My cowon sounds way far different ( when it was alive) than the day 1 ;)
You took a resolution that you won't make any purchases for the year? You know.. even for a beggar its impossible to keep that resolution!! :p
