CPU/Mobo Broken motherboard


I accidently broke my AUS P5Q pro's capacitor near the PCIE slot(blue one), is there a way to fix that?
If not then please suggest a cheap motherboard(around 5k) for my config: Q6600(will OC it), 4870x2, Silencer 750W PSU, Xigmatek cooling with 120mm fan.
Dont think replacement of a solid polymer capacitor would be user-friendly.

A second-hand P45 board, if you could manage to find one. Or if you can spend an additional 2k, MSI has a couple of entry-level P45 boards. Under 7k i.e.

PS: How on earth did you manage to break the damn capacitor? Does the board show any signs of life btw?
Thanks for the reply.

Well the board runs but gives random blue screens, and GFX temp never goes below 75C even on 100% fan speed, so i decided not to use it to prevent any damage to other parts.

About P45 mobo, any second hand is good enough? Even for stable OC around 3.2ghz?
^Assuming your retailer would not notice any sign of the broken cap, why not try getting a replacement from him? Reason for RMA being put as frequent BSODs. Act as a noob when you approach him.

See if you can stick the cap using superglue. :p
Yea do that. RMA shouldnt be too much of a problem i guess.

Off topic, im curious as to how u managed to break it in the first place? :p
You can have it soldered back if u still have the CAP or get another CAP if the leads are broken of the same rating and quality and have that out on, you may not need to RMA then as it would run fine, assuming thats all you broke.

If you superglue, ensure that no signs of damage or glue are visible, else ur warranty will be voided and they will refuse the RMA.
yup you can change the cap with another one of the same rating one....i have changed blown off caps on many gfx cards so no issues...that in case your board gets rejected for rma..
axeman said:
You can have it soldered back if u still have the CAP or get another CAP if the leads are broken of the same rating and quality and have that out on, you may not need to RMA then as it would run fine, assuming thats all you broke.

I guess the problem would getting a good quality cap that matches the previous one. You cannot get good quality conventional caps in India, leave alone solid state ones. Finding a cap is to match the specs is not going to be that difficult, but reliability of the cap is a question especially when you are using it on a mobo.
take extreme care while sticking cap on mobo with instant adhesive or something...... if at all u are gonna do that. These glue material can damage pcb or ur mobo and even if u local shop dont notice what u have done... ASUS people wont be that dumb to find out.

And if ASUS people find that ur played this mischief and claim board is not repairable due to damage user has done (during sticking) what are u gonna do?

I would say avoid sticking thingy, its risky..... just get it repaired from authorised person, get in touch with amarbir also, if u havent done it so far.....its better to spend some money may be 500 bucks and use it rather than throwing it in garbage and getting new/ used mobo becoz u messed it up.