Graphic Cards Buying an 8800gt

Thinking abt buying a 8800gt today (if i can get it). A few questions b4 I can make this decision

1. Can I get it? as in IS IT AVAILABLE READILY? (no point in going all the way to lammy and returning empty handed)

2. Which brand (the two i have heard of are Galaxy and XFX, XFX seems to be more trusted) ?

3. How future proof is it? (will it last me for abt 2 years)

4. Can I run it on a 400W PSU? (currently running a 7900GS w/o problems) If not what kind of PSU do i need. I dont wanna spend too much on this.

5. And the inevitable question can it handle crysis on 1440x900 (high settings) on winxp?
1. ---

2. VFM

3. Not very

4. No

5. Yes, but you may have to run few options in medium while some can stay high with no AA.
1. ---

2. VFM

3. that only time can tell :)

4. If it can run a 185W 7900gs then it can also run a 205W 8800gt :D

5. Yes, with all options at high without AA as i run it with all options at high without AA @1680x1050 with a 8800gts 640mb ;)

note for #5 8800gt > 8800gts
Please dont run it with the run of the mill 400W PSU.

People run games at 25fps and are happy, if you are among those then yes u can run all highs at 1440x900.

If you want fluid fps then you may have to turn down some features while keeping others high.
vij said:
Please dont run it with the run of the mill 400W PSU.
People run games at 25fps and are happy, if you are among those then yes u can run all highs at 1440x900.
If you want fluid fps then you may have to turn down some features while keeping others high.

I currently have a Powersafe 400W PSU. Can you recommend one within 2k?

And I can compromise on a few settings....I am not that interested in Crysis. My real interest is the Unreal Engine 3 games which seem to be a lot in the market right now and many upcoming as well. I just mentioned crysis coz its currently the most demanding of the lot.
If your system is not overclocked and you are not planning to overclock your GPU as well then you certainly can run it on your current PSU. Now since 2k wont get you anything much better than your current Powersafe hence save up some money and get atleast a CM 600W or Corsair HX450W in near future.
Just to give people an idea. To test the usability of the 8800GT in HTPC, I am running XFX Alpha dog in my HTPC with powersafe gold 400Watt PSU. Since yesterday evening. The config is Intel 6420, DFI 965 Dark, 2GB DDR2 667, DVD RW, 3 case fans.

Abd the powersafe is able to power the system so far without any issues. This is not that old single rain PSU though, its one of the newer dual rail ( ok this is not exactly new, been around for few months now ).

So depending on the system config, it should be able to power card like 8800GT. But honestly, many people tend to ignore the fact that ability to provide clean power is an important factor. The PSU that delivers power but with too much ripple and fluctuations can be bad for the system.

For now you can keep using the powersafe as 2k wont get you anything much better. But do plan the new PSU soon. Save for it and go for something like Corsair HX 450/550 in the future.
vij said:
Please dont run it with the run of the mill 400W PSU.
People run games at 25fps and are happy, if you are among those then yes u can run all highs at 1440x900.
If you want fluid fps then you may have to turn down some features while keeping others high.

a 8800gt will give close to 40fps @ 1440 x 900 @ everything higher under xp without AA.

i am currently getting 27 - 33fps on my 2900pro ocd @ 1680 x 1050 all high without AA. so 8800gt being much better & a lower res will give better fps.