C++0x is dead, long live C++1x !


Global Moral Police
See Dr. Dobb's | The C++0x "Remove Concepts" Decision | July 22, 2009

Via Slashdot Technology Story | Stroustrup Says New C++ Standard Delayed Until 2010 Or Later

Even after cutting "concepts," the next C++ standard may be delayed. Sadly, there will be no C++0x (unless you count the minor corrections in C++03). We must wait for C++1x, and hope that 'x' will be a low digit. There is hope because C++1x is now feature complete (excepting the possibility of some national standards bodies effectively insisting on some feature present in the formal proposal for the standard). "All" that is left is the massive work of resolving outstanding technical issues and comments.

Also see C++0x FAQ