C drive full!!! whats pagefile.sys...??

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my C drive is almost full..... dunno hw it became full... I had almost 10G left a coupl of days ago... nw its 5 G.... this pagefile.sys is eating my space (6.4 G) when I checked with space sniffer, whats that? can we del that?

Thanks...! :)
Sorry its not possible to delete pagefile.sys cause it'll be locked by the system :P . It's needed for various paging operations(sort of a virtual memory buffer )..
its the system pagefile

you can change its location to some other drive anyway, to freeup space of c:

my computer properties> advanced> performance>setings> advanced> virtual memory> change

uncheck "automatically manage" and click on c: and check "no page file" and click 'set'

then click on any drive with enough space, say d: and set about 2048 to 4096, even more. Usually its best to set more than your ram size, upto double the ram size. click 'set'

and restart to reflect.

its all done. You will have the 5G free space of c:
Pagefile.sys should not be removed and actually can't be removed, If you wish, you can move it to another partition or seconh HDD in your system which actually may boost your system perf as well.
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