C2D Cruncher 1


On purpose it is named Cruncher 1. Something else is also on the way but i am too lazy to go pick up. :p

For now i got this delivered a while ago.
E4300 + P5N-E SLI.
Purpose : Dedicated Cruncher. Replacing my AMD X2 3600+

Wow!! The P5N-E SLi and 4300 make an awesome combo.:eek:hyeah:

These dealers i tell ya- they have a target to meet- another one offered me the 4300 for 5K and P5N-E SLi for 8.1k- still 13.1K.:lol:

Congrats Funky.:)

Whats up with the other sinister combo- i thought that was going to be your dedicated WCG Cruncher #1.:p
Up and running at crunching at 2.4ghz for now. will go more later :D

Having weird ocing issue for now.

Only 800 / 1066 Mhz FSB is working, set any other and bang, no go.

Might be issue with bios.