Calling UNIX Gurus. Need help with a small query

Lemme try to put is as simply as I can.

I have a directory named TEMP. Within that there are directories Temp1, Temp2, Temp3 and so on.

Now all these sub directories are created either by User1, User2 or User3 (or may be more).

How do I calculate the space used by each user (or should I say the sub directories created by the users) ?

I tried using the du but I am not finding a way to do that for individual users.

My primary motive is to find the space occupied by each individual user.

Pointer ?
one doubt..

are the user dirs one level or multi level

ie do u have dirs inside temp1..

if its single level then its simple...

if not have a task in hand..
Try something like
$ for u in user1 user2 user3; do find TEMP -user $u -print0 | xargs -0 du -ch; done