Budget Above 25K Camera phone to last 2 years atleast

Here is what i need in a phone-
Max upto 30k if new , around 20k if used but with some warranty

Good camera - camera should be great (around galaxy s6 level)
Should last me 1 day with say 1.5 hour calls, 2 hour video, 15 mins whatsapp , 8 hour 3g/4g on.
Should be as small as possible but may compromise on size as nowdays everythings 5.5 inches.
Stable and reliable to give peace of mind
3gb ram
No Lag ! (very hard with android)
Will use 1 sim only but ok with dual sim phones if single sim version not there
My current phone does not have that oleophobic screen , do phones with it have less smudges ? hate cleaning the phone all the time with tissues.

I thought OP3 but battery seems poor, after 6 months it will become very bad when battery starts to deteriorate.
Should last me 1 day with say 1.5 hour calls, 2 hour video, 15 mins whatsapp , 8 hour 3g/4g on.
What does this translate into in terms of SOT/runtime (mention hours for both) with your current phone.

What is your current phone and how bright is set at. Don't say auto, how much is it in manual.
does it not have a bad battery life ? someone here was selling his g4 just becoz battery life poor.
If you go through his sales thread, you'll see that he says the battery life is good but not enough for him. That is true even for me. But for the usage you have mentioned, the battery life of G4 will be more than sufficient.
Rest as blr_p has mentioned, do tell what your SoT is usually for a day's use.
Mine crosses 9hrs a day at times so even the OPO wasn't enough for me. I am in love with my Redmi Note 3 though as it usually gives me between 10-12hrs SoT.
What does this translate into in terms of SOT/runtime (mention hours for both) with your current phone.

What is your current phone and how bright is set at. Don't say auto, how much is it in manual.
Actually my current phone has some battery problem as its 3 years old so i have to charge it 3 times a day. So figues wont be right. But yeah my Galaxy s3 used to last me a full day easily when it was newer though then i used wifi than data. brightness i guess 60% is ok as i dont like too bright.
If you go through his sales thread, you'll see that he says the battery life is good but not enough for him. That is true even for me. But for the usage you have mentioned, the battery life of G4 will be more than sufficient.
Rest as blr_p has mentioned, do tell what your SoT is usually for a day's use.
Mine crosses 9hrs a day at times so even the OPO wasn't enough for me. I am in love with my Redmi Note 3 though as it usually gives me between 10-12hrs SoT.
Yeah redmi 3 is a very well specced phone but its camera is just pathetic. I can actaully buy the redmi 3 as i heard its stable and all but its cam just put me off.
Actually my current phone has some battery problem as its 3 years old so i have to charge it 3 times a day. So figues wont be right.
Why didn't you replace the battery earlier. Its replaceable and cheap. You've lost 60% of capacity over 3 years which is double what i've lost with my tab.

But yeah my Galaxy s3 used to last me a full day easily when it was newer though then i used wifi than data.
Deduct one hour of SOT with data than wifi. Also now there is 4G which will be more demanding due to speed compared to 3G.

The question is how happy were you with the S3 battery when it was new. Would you accept similar or does it have to be much better.

brightness i guess 60% is ok as i dont like too bright.
That is quite bright for indoors. Only amoleds can maintain this level of brightness without negtive effect on battery.

IPS, you don't want to cross 50. Most efficient at 30-40. So you need to decide what your comfort level is.
Why didn't you replace the battery earlier. Its replaceable and cheap. You've lost 60% of capacity over 3 years which is double what i've lost with my tab.

Deduct one hour of SOT with data than wifi. Also now there is 4G which will be more demanding due to speed compared to 3G.

The question is how happy were you with the S3 battery when it was new. Would you accept similar or does it have to be much better.

That is quite bright for indoors. Only amoleds can maintain this level of brightness without negtive effect on battery.

IPS, you don't want to cross 50. Most efficient at 30-40. So you need to decide what your comfort level is.
I dont wanna replace as genuine samsung battery costs 1000 rs. my phones resale value is 3500. why spend 1k when i wanna sell it anyway soon. The 1gb ram has made me install very few apps thesedays. Yes i was quite happy with s3 battery when it did not have battery issues. Yes my samsung was amoled so maybe thats why even at 60-70% battery did not get affected much. Guess im used to bright screen
yes not worth it now, i meant a year and a half ago. Your battery would have been 30% less already by then. But if you did not change it maybe you could get by and its only now that its unacceptable. Then S3's battery is good enough for your usage.

Brightness, since you've had the s3 for three years now, amoled does not retain brightness over time, so you might be using a higher brightness now ie 60% than you used to in the past. Which means your real brightness level is lower than 60% with a brand new device. Did you find over time that you had to increase your brightness on the S3.

How many hours is a 'day' for you btw ? 8, 12, 16h ? As in duration from time off the charger to time when you plug in.

Also need to know what your signal strength is like during your day.

At the end of a battery, go to battery in settings, you get the graph, tap on the graph, you get another screen titled 'history details' That has 4 lines below wifi, cell etc. Post screen shots of that 'history details' screen.

Since you recharge 3 times a day, that means 2 or three screen shots to get an idea how that signal varies. Given you expect to be on 3/4g for 8h of the day.
Did not know amoled loses brightness but yeah maybe i use a lil higher brightness now though i assumed iits because i lost original samsung settings sue to moving to a CM rom. Signal strength is good all day and i see mostly green in it. Screenshots wont work as currently im on leave so hardly use phone these days.
So i entered in your requirements into gsmarenas battery page. 2 hours video. 1.5 hours calling. And this is what i got

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III 10:15h 6:27h 9:27h 39h
LG G4 16:40h 7:54h 7:23h 40h
Samsung Galaxy S6 19:48h 10:56h 12:12h 56h
Samsung Galaxy S7 22:57h 9:34h 14:50h 63h
Samsung Galaxy S7 edge 24:29h 13:32h 20:08h 78h

The last figure is the one to watch, 'endurance' they call it. The first three are useless if you used only phone, only web browsing and only video.

That figure indicates how long the battery will last but its really meaningless. Instead what we can see here is how much more in terms of % one devices battery gives over the other.

The G4 will give you similar battery as your S3 did under similar use. But its not amoled. So you have to get used to lower brightness than you are used to. Better you check in a shop and play with the brightness and figure what level is enough. if you find 50% is not bright enough indoors then you won't get good battery out of lcd. Every 10% above that brightness level will reduce your sot. Amoleds are more efficient at higher brightness than LCD but they lose brightness over time. 2+ years

With the G4 on 3/4g on you would get 3-4h SOT. run time maybe 10h. Depends how good your signal is. If its bad those figures will be less like 8h. and you should not be using data with weak reception in the first place. if you use two sims and the signal is bad then your're battery gets hit further. If its good, the difference between one & two sims is marginal.

The S6 appears to give 50% more, but in reality it isn't. Maybe 30% more and that's with the latest 6.0.1 update. No sd card no replaceable battery. The S7 will give you 4- 4.5h sot, the S7 edge will get you over 5h sot nearing 6h even.

These sots are data only, wifi will be an hour extra.
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So i entered in your requirements into gsmarenas battery page. 2 hours video. 1.5 hours calling. And this is what i got

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III 10:15h 6:27h 9:27h 39h
LG G4 16:40h 7:54h 7:23h 40h
Samsung Galaxy S6 19:48h 10:56h 12:12h 56h
Samsung Galaxy S7 22:57h 9:34h 14:50h 63h
Samsung Galaxy S7 edge 24:29h 13:32h 20:08h 78h

The last figure is the one to watch, 'endurance' they call it. The first three are useless if you used only phone, only web browsing and only video.

That figure indicates how long the battery will last but its really meaningless. Instead what we can see here is how much more in terms of % one devices battery gives over the other.

The G4 will give you similar battery as your S3 did under similar use. But its not amoled. So you have to get used to lower brightness than you are used to. Better you check in a shop and play with the brightness and figure what level is enough. if you find 50% is not bright enough indoors then you won't get good battery out of lcd. Every 10% above that brightness level will reduce your sot. Amoleds are more efficient at higher brightness than LCD but they lose brightness over time. 2+ years

With the G4 on 3/4g on you would get 3-4h SOT. run time maybe 10h. Depends how good your signal is. If its bad those figures will be less like 8h. and you should not be using data with weak reception in the first place. if you use two sims and the signal is bad then your're battery gets hit further. If its good, the difference between one & two sims is marginal.

The S6 appears to give 50% more, but in reality it isn't. Maybe 30% more and that's with the latest 6.0.1 update. No sd card no replaceable battery. The S7 will give you 4- 4.5h sot, the S7 edge will get you over 5h sot nearing 6h even.

These sots are data only, wifi will be an hour extra.
thanks a lot man , id pass on a cold beer if you were next to me. great help to me. i guess then g4 is out as i would prefer to upgrade so staying at same battery capacity wont be as fun. Galaxy s6 seems good to me. btw what about that oneplus 3 ? s7 is wayy outta budget. is oneplus better than galaxy 6 or lg g4 in battery ? how come lg g4 has such bad battery performance than a galaxy 6 when galaxy has 2550mh battery while lg g4 has a 3000 one. is it all because of amoled?
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The problem with g4 for you is its not amoled. After staring at amoled all these years anything that isn't the same will look bland, you'll bump up brightness and get hit with low battery life. Saturation and brightness are addictive. This is how samsung hooks you. I find the contrast a bit too sharp so i avoid amoleds whenever possible. Quite tiring to stare at compared to lcd which i can stare at all day.

The stats above are for the s6 on wifi. This is only place its better than the G4. On data its actually worse. gsmarena only tests for wifi.

For the +3

OnePlus 3 32:48h 8:03h 13:15h 54h

the +3 appears to have a better phone modem than the others. In battery tests i noticed sot on data is close to wifi which i haven't seen on others usually expect an hour less. +3 won't drain as fast on data as the others. 5+h SOT. keep brightness at 40% and you may even cross 6h sot.

Camera is s6/s7 like only in good light. Once light drops the quality will as well. Unlike the galaxy or g4. Manual controls are ok, they get the job done but the g4 is best at that.

You have to decide here which is more important, battery or camera. Performance wise the +3 is as fast as any flagship out there. Smooth and with good reviews. There is no SD card slot though.