Monitors Can i connect tata sky set-top box to dell 2407-HC and watch tv on my monitor ?


So as the title suggests,can i do it and is it worth it ? I mean how will the picture channel quality be on a 24 inch monitor with 1080p resolution?Will it be too bad? If i upsample the tv video,then will the picture be worth watching? Or should i stick to my 21 inch crt tv ?

Okay,so tell me how to do it?Do you just connect the tata sky digicom to this monitor using composite cables?Or do you have to actully connect it to the computer and not the monitor?
two ways . if you want time shifting/ view tv like you would watch a movie ( ie windowed) so that you can use the PC at the same time , you need either a video card with VIVO or a tv tuner card. If you just want to watch tv on the moniotor, you can buy an adapter for that :)
If you have TATA Sky or any other set top box that outputs composite video, its the easiest way to watch TV on the monitor. No computer needed. No TV tuner needed. Just connect it to the composite input with simple RCA cable and you are good to go. The same is possible even on a dell 2007WFP
Dude u do not need anything just connect the video out from u r set-top box to the composite in of u r lcd


Its the 5 no connector in the above image............
And switch the lcd to Composite and there u r ....

Also the set-top box avail in india broadcast at SVCD quality thats lil' close to DVD, and also the fact u r connecting through composite the image quality will be ok.....
If only set-top box were avail with component out, boy o' boy u will throw away u r CRT TV, And mark my words buddy u will never and by that i mean ever will u switch on u r old TV in u r life.......

So just give it a shot and let me know the results....
One more thing how much did u paid for u r LCD..........

hmm true sound could be a problem.


- direct the STB output via the PC.

- direct the sound from STB via any old hifi system that has an audio input or use any amp

- buy a decent 2.1 set like ATP3 and direct the STB audio output to it.
Hey man..this is exactly what I intend on doing once I get my 2407WFP. I'm gonna hookup an old stereo system for the sound and after I save more cash invest in a set of 5.1 speakers.
Thank you both chaos and andrew!

And andrew , i did'nt yet buy the monitor.Was waiting for the HC rev. of the 2407 monitor.Now that it is finally here, i will be ordering one soon.
dog said:
Thank you both chaos and andrew!

And andrew , i did'nt yet buy the monitor.Was waiting for the HC rev. of the 2407 monitor.Now that it is finally here, i will be ordering one soon.

Let us know how the picture quality is (with TATA SKY);)
andrew327 said:
Dude u do not need anything just connect the video out from u r set-top box to the composite in of u r lcd

Its the 5 no connector in the above image............
And switch the lcd to Composite and there u r ....

Also the set-top box avail in india broadcast at SVCD quality thats lil' close to DVD, and also the fact u r connecting through composite the image quality will be ok.....
If only set-top box were avail with component out, boy o' boy u will throw away u r CRT TV, And mark my words buddy u will never and by that i mean ever will u switch on u r old TV in u r life.......

So just give it a shot and let me know the results....
One more thing how much did u paid for u r LCD..........

Can you do this with Dell E228WFP too ?
Kneo said:
Can you do this with Dell E228WFP too ?

Sorry for the late reply, also sorry to inform u that the Dell E228WFP
doesnt have Component IN so u cannot connect it directly.
But what u can do is buy a "RGB To YPrPb Trancoder" in simple words
VGA TO Component Converter which will do the work easily but dont know about the Pic quality & res as it all depends on what type of transcoder u opt for.....
If u r searchin for do let me know about any cheap transcoder or converter which can do 1080p me too searchin for.......
This One does but its lil' expensive for me to afford one ATM, u can check it out....
Neoya X2VGA 2 Home

I am also buying the dell E228WFP monitor. And I would very much like to use tata sky on it. I guess tata sky receiver has s video socket. And My graphics card geforce 6200 also has a s video support. Do you think i can buy a s-video cable and connect them?

Tatasky has a composite out ; not s-video out.

anyways, i gave the VIVO on my 7800GT a try and connected Tatasky to my Samsung 740N LCD.

The video quality is horrible ; most probly cos of the low contrast ratio of the LCD.

perhaps someone with a really good LCD can give it a try & let us know the results..?!
delhiboy1000 said:
Tatasky has a composite out ; not s-video out.
anyways, i gave the VIVO on my 7800GT a try and connected Tatasky to my Samsung 740N LCD.
The video quality is horrible ; most probly cos of the low contrast ratio of the LCD.
perhaps someone with a really good LCD can give it a try & let us know the results..?!

AFAIK, it has nothing to do with the contrast ratio of your LCD. The TV source that you are viewing is ridiculously low-res when compared to the native resolution of that LCD screen (1280x1024).

Sooo, if you connect the Tatasky to a "really good LCD" with a higher size and resolution, the picture will only deteriorate more.

:) Lesson? Hi-res, small size LCD displays viewed at close distances do not make for good TVs. The higher-res the worse it is. The more distance you can put between yourself and your TV, the better it is. :)

andrew327 said:
Sorry for the late reply, also sorry to inform u that the Dell E228WFP
doesnt have Component IN so u cannot connect it directly.
But what u can do is buy a "RGB To YPrPb Trancoder" in simple words
VGA TO Component Converter which will do the work easily but dont know about the Pic quality & res as it all depends on what type of transcoder u opt for.....
If u r searchin for do let me know about any cheap transcoder or converter which can do 1080p me too searchin for.......
This One does but its lil' expensive for me to afford one ATM, u can check it out....
Neoya X2VGA 2 Home

Hey sorry for the wrong info, u cannot even connect it with this, i was thinkin about a different Receiver which has component out. Really missed that.......... So there's no way technically u can get good picture quality on a LCD monitor due to a lot of factors. But, the most important fact right now is that India doesn't even have a DVD quality Channel Broadcasted anywhere.... So u have to wait if some service provider does so......

If HD Broadcasting is avail in india I'll go for MHD [Music High Defination Of MTV Networks], Discovery Channel HD, And few others related to Info nothing else.................
Till then have fun as LCD TV prices are drastically falling down, so if u have a XBOX 360, PS3 or any other HD player, or have a collection of HD Vids like Me
u can buy one... or else its just not worth spending money if u r going to watch Normal Analog TV, or so called DTH....... Thats just me..