Can Some one help me Get 3 x Benq DW1640 DVD Writer

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Hi Guys

I am going nuts here in Mumbai Searching for Benq DW1640.
Which ever shop i called here had only 1620 & 1620Pro.

I got in touch with Benq India but every time i call them they say that it
will come after 20Days , now they said 2Months.

They also said that a batch of Benq DW 1640 has come in Chennai.

Can ne one help me in getting the DW1640.

I wanted 3 DW1640 for my uncle , cousin brother and myself.

All the charges & courier charges will be payed by us through cheque.

If any one can help plz let me know.

Also if any one in Mumbai finds it in any shop then also plz let me know.

Also wanted to ask if writer is purchased in any part of India will i be
able to redeem its warranty here in Mumbai if ne thing by mistake goes
wrong with the writer.

Thank in Advance.
still seeing many ppl in rest of india getting the dw1640.

Also it seems the popularity of this writer is so much that its going out of stock.
Quad Master said:
still seeing many ppl in rest of india getting the dw1640.

Also it seems the popularity of this writer is so much that its going out of stock.

Nope. It hasn't even shipped in the US yet, and that's their biggest market. Wait up for some time, or get the 1620 Pro.. it is a mature drive, only diff being faster RW and DL speeds in the 1640, which I doubt you'll be using much anyway.
Benq Said each is for Rs3500-3600 , so can pay you that much + courier charges.
Also will i be able to redeem warranty in mumbai if ne thing goes wrong.

Also dont mind but where are you getting the DW1640 from.
Thanks a lot u guys are doing so much to help me , thanks Freaky & Nikhil.

Guys but has it come in Mumbai is my concern.

Also one thing i have to tell u , will tell my cousin and my uncle reg this as i am investing my money in the FSP PSU now
ill also go 4 this inform me quad abt its availability if u get details...ill also do the same
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