Can you connect normal external hard drive with 360

You can actually convert normal drive with the firmware flashed on , but it ain't so easy

Thats why they say get a JTAG
I would rather suffer the pain of changing DVDs.

Anyway can you ppl tell me a good shop in mumbai where i can get 360 controller.I went to some retail including chroma but all of them had wired one.None had wireless controller.
Are you sure you're searching in the right places? Back when I went to get my wired controller for 360, almost all of them were out of stock, but had the wireless controller. VGA cable is very difficult to spot as it doesn't sell as much. Why don't you order one online?
I searched a lot in lam.I didnt find any store with name yoko games.Maybe you should give some directions.

Ordering online will be my last option.
There is game store opposite right to Police Station dont know the name but he only sells games
Altair said:
u will have to flash it with firmware etc tough work why nt use a DVD rather than a HD its cheaper that way
I don't think you get what the OP was trying to say. He wanted to know if we could load the game on the HDD and play it directly off the HDD, without the need for the DVD to be in there. There are benefits of loading the game off HDD. It reduces heat dissipation generated from the DVD's spinning, increases the life of your DVD drive, reduced loading times in games etc.