mate u shud consider lot of factors before taking this desicion. I don't think anyone here can help u in this regard cuz this desicion has to come thru YOUR heart and soul. I would suggest only 1 thing Do whatever u find pleasure in. If ur chances are out in MBA it doesn't mean u do not have next chance. ( provided 2012 calamity doesn't happen)![]()
Please ask yourself following questions:
1. Is football for u just a fascination or a passion ? ( if passion i am sure in past 10 years u would have played football at district or state level )
2. Can u afford to leave ur education and pursue football considering ur present foothold ?
3. If u enter into football what after u cross 35-39 yrs. ( because tht's the time wen ppl retire )
there are much more to this and i am sure u wud have given it a thot but i suggest u to reason all this with ur dear frnd / parents or some one with whom u feel comfortable sharing.
Plz dont take me otherwise. I just have best interest for u and would love u watch u on screen and cheering for india down the lanebut not at the cost of ur other imp part of life. give it a deep thought.![]()
P.S : hope i made some sense here.![]()
mate .. first of all i wud suggest u to remove every details about your family as it is a public forum.
coming to next part i wud suggest you to take up initiative and have a word with ur dad cuz our parents may not understand us properly but wt they will suggest will always be rational and pragmatic.
Football in india is picking up but is nowhere near the likes of europe leagues. So be prepared for a lot of ( i mean LOT of ) hardships ..
weigh all possibilities and move ahead wid a sensible decision.
Plz do remember u also have some duties towards ur family and though u shud do wt u think of u must also think about this fact.
More info is needed to give any proper advice...
All i get now is MBA and Football which dont exactly macth
What is your age ? 25+ Forget about football as you cannot compete with SAI trained sports athletes who train daily and are much younger
What are your educational qualifications ?
Did you play in State level or in regional level ?
It doesn't matter what you believe in ... Do you have formal training ? If not join clubs which provide training and try and get into the clubs of Maharashtra to atleast play on some regional level ...
Sports doesn't earn you money in India unless you play cricket... Even if you play professionally you might have to hold regular jobs to support a normal lifestyle
There is no European league type money or craze in India ... Worse case you might end up with a job like a cleaner
Read this
All this glory and glamor associated with football makes you forget where you are 'India' you cannot pursue your dreams unless you are already successful... You can see the latest breed of writers who are MBAs and bankers... Being a writer directly doesn't work ...