Career in content media industry

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Staff member
I am sure many of you must have been a part of or know someone who has been part of the content media industry like Digit or Chip etc.

I was curious to know a few things if you can spare some time:
  • What is the qualification required. How can someone enter the industry and at what level.
  • What are the responsibilities. How is performance measured and bench-marked.
  • What is the career progression.
  • What are the work hours and are they flexible. Do they have work from home.
  • How is the pay and how does it vary and increase with progression
  • What are the perks if any
  • Whom would you recommend this as a career option
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Graduation would be enough. You need to be technically sounded (consumer tech especially) and equipped with decent writing skills. This I can tell ya after working in tech media (in India) for close to 4 yrs.
Even I was looking into this. Problem is there is not much information around about the application process. Doubt the few mail ids listed in the websites are even actively checked.

Anyone with any info about how to actually get in touch with the relevant people where your resume is actually considered?
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