WTB Cheap DSLR with lens preferably at less than 20K


Molar Police
Staff member
Super Mod
I am looking for a cheap DSLR with lens at less than 20K. I find that there are no such things as budget DSLRs nowadays, and the range starts at 40K+ for a new one. This DSLR will be used by a teen who is just stepping into the world of photography, so I'm not looking at spending beyond my budget. I'm also on the hunt in the local market, and although a few offers looked promising, nothing has materialized yet.
I'm not in a hurry. I'll consider offers from reputed members of the forum only
Please DM me if you have an unused or hardly used DSLR in good condition that you want to let go of.
Thank you!
I have a Canon EOS 1100D with a 18-55mm kit lens and 300mm telephoto zoom lens (probably 100-300). No functional issues with it, it's just not used much anymore because the family member who bought it slowly stopped using it, as phones have gotten good enough. It's about 10-12 years old which I know might be too old for you.

Let me know if you're interested.
I have a Canon EOS 1100D with a 18-55mm kit lens and 300mm telephoto zoom lens (probably 100-300). No functional issues with it, it's just not used much anymore because the family member who bought it slowly stopped using it, as phones have gotten good enough. It's about 10-12 years old which I know might be too old for you.

Let me know if you're interested.
Sorry, I missed following up on this thread. The 1100D is a little too old, as you mentioned. I'll prefer something more recent.
I have Nikon d5200 with 18-55 mm lens with bag and all accessories
Nikkor 50mm lens with cover Tripod
Protron stedy 560v with coverExternal flash
Digitek DFL-011AM-059IRT
8 gb Memory card included Memory card reader free

but price might be slightly higher than your mentioned budget.