Graphic Cards Cheapest GPU for 3DS Max?

Looking for the cheapest yet efficient GPU for my 3ds Max needs.
Currently made an iPhone model whose render took about 1 and half hour on my Pentium G2020 and 4 Gb RAM.
Seasonic Sii 430W
Windows 8.1 64 bit
3DS Max 2013 64 bit
VRay 2.40
Would be working on medium poly objects now.

Only looking for it as a temporary solution to get the render time to about 30-45 minutes. Will upgrade both CPU and GPU later. Also don't wanna waste money as I have to get a phone in 2-3 months.

Any advise on GPU (cheapest possible)?
Anybody who is using 3DS Max? Can you mention your hardware below?

The total poly and vert count is for last pic.
One phone consists of 634,035 polys and the whole scene has 1,902,235 polys.
One phone consists of 354,153 verts and the whole scene has 1,062,548 verts.
The vert and poly count is for the last image btw and it took 2 hrs 15 mins to render.

16 Bit With Alpha Channel.jpg

48 Bit RGB With Alpha Channel 3 Phones.jpg

16 bit wo alpha.jpg
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