Check improper wiring to PC?


I recently switched houses, there are a few electrical problems with my house,

- I can hear weird static( white noise ) through my headphones when my feet touch the ground.

- Whenever someone is using appliances in kitchen like grinder, I also hear more weird static through headphones. sometimes even the monitor would go off for the time.

- I have been electricuted many times when touching metallic parts of keyboard, earbuds, case or metallic USB drives.

I even called in an electrician, but at that time everything became fine, no current was leaking, he said its normal for that to happen sometimes (obviously its not).

I am always scared to touch my pc nowadays, everytime I touch the PC I have to make sure to not make contact with conductors or touch the ground. I will call another electrician soon to see what could be done.

I'm no electrical engineer but my guess is either the issue is with earthing or improper wiring. Has anyone had similar problems and what can I do to fix this?
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Your house has no earthing/grounding. This would require a lot of work with the wiring and may not be possible now if house is already fully done and furnished.
Talk to a good electrician and see what they suggest. Many will say it's not an issue and nothing will happen or suggest you to not be barefoot and wear slippers while touching metallic appliances.
I'm no electrical engineer but my guess is either the issue is with earthing or improper wiring. Has anyone had similar problems and what can I do to fix this?
As this is most likely earthing issue you need to get cabling done to have proper earthing. Don't let electrician do some jugaad that feels ok at the time.
I recently switched houses, there are a few electrical problems with my house,

- I can hear weird static( white noise ) through my headphones when my feet touch the ground.

- Whenever someone is using appliances in kitchen like grinder, I also hear more weird static through headphones. sometimes even the monitor would go off for the time.

- I have been electricuted many times when touching metallic parts of keyboard, earbuds, case or metallic USB drives.

I even called in a electrician, but at that time everything became fine, no current was leaking, he said its normal for that to happen sometimes (obviously its not).

I am always scared to touch my pc nowadays, everytime I touch the PC I have to make sure to not make contact with conductors or touch the ground. I will call another electrician soon to see what could be done.

I'm no electrical engineer but my guess is either the issue is with earthing or improper wiring. Has anyone had similar problems and what can I do to fix this?
To confirm on earthing issues take a tester and on bare foot test the usb ports of compute or laptop. If no earthing then the led on tester will lit up.
Also, to be sure take help of a good spikeguard which has indicator lights to indicate ground open, neutral etc.

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