PC Peripherals Choosing a cabinet?


Hi, we're getting a few AMD X2 4000+, Asus M2N MX PCs for our office.

I wanted to get cute-looking cabinets. Like iBall Baby 207 or some other small ones. The question is, does the small size of the cabinet have any effect on the system? What are the downsides of a small cabinet?

If performance of system is kept in mind, which is better? Bigger cabinet or smaller one?
i dont think there would be any noticeable performance differences(in YOUR case........since u are getting it for ur office)...go ahead and choose whatever u think looks good

*waiting for others replies too*
Naga said:
Just make sure the cab has good ventilation.

I second that. Smaller cabinets usually have terrible airflow/ventilation problems. While this will not have a direct impact on performance, it could lead to higher operating temperatures which can over a period of time decrease the lifetime of the affected components.

While that may sound scary, it is over a period of many years and you'll most likely get a new pc before these things start dying on you

Like TheIndian has mentioned, the second (and bigger) issue is the limited expansion bays and cramped interiors
I suggest you to go with Bigger cabby.. Reason - Ventilation will be good, you can add extra HDD, Drives.. Also there will not be any problems for bigger graphics card.

my suggestions -

Zebronics PEACE, Bijli,

VIP Cabinets