Monitors Choosing the right LCD Panel


Insanely Awesome!!
Just came across this article comparing TN Film, P-MVA and S-IPS panels ...

Choosing a TFT display in today's market is never easy, what with a whole bewildering range of technologies out there and the ever changing trends in monitor specs and performance.

The aim of this article is to make the process simpler for you, the buyer, by demystifying some of the more important aspects to consider when looking for a TFT monitor, as well as looking at some of the recent trends in the market which may impact your purchasing decision -- Which panel technology is most suited to your needs? Does bigger mean better? What else should you consider when choosing a screen? I'll attempt to answer these questions, and along the way we'll look at some specific models worth looking out for.

Link : TN Film, MVA, PVA and IPS – Which one's for you?

Source :
Thats nice info..

Some interesting points from the article:

1. Viewing angles in MVA panels are slightly inferior to IPS panels however, and a characteristic contrast shift can be seen as you move your line of sight off-centre. This is why IPS panels are considered more suitable for colour critical work,

2. Movie playback is noisy in most cases in IPS panels, and a step behind MVA panels.

3. Recently there has been a trend in the market of larger format screens being introduced. This is quite often a move towards a more multimedia orientated display, and larger screen sizes are becoming more popular and affordable. 22-inch WS panels are now common place, and offer competitive prices to the smaller 20”WS models. While the extra screen size is attractive, it is important to consider that these screens offer only the same resolution (1680 x 1050) as 20-inch WS models and so pixel pitch is larger. This means the text size is larger and the image is not as ‘tight' or sharp for office application. However, for gaming and movies, the extra screen size is an advantage and with the prices very low, these screens are well worth a look.

4. LED backlighting improves color gamut compared to CCFL backlighting.