FS: Home Audio Video Chromecast 2nd Gen (2015) 802.11AC 5Ghz

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drinks like a fish
Level H
Chromecast (2015) 2nd Gen - SOLD

  • Has a 3 antenna array, or something like it. WiFi reception is a LOT better than the 1st gen chromecast on 2.4Ghz as well
  • On 5Ghz, it can easily attain ~50mbps or 6.2MB/s (max tested) You would easily be able to stream those 16-20GB, ~40mbps movies on wifi with this without any buffering.
  • 5Ghz router R6300v2 (3 internal antennae) is ~30 feet away with one 11 inch wall and one 6 inch wall in the way
  • Tested with 2-3 40mbps movies and samples
  • Brand new, sealed unit
  • Got 2 thinking I'll put one in parent's room, but it's not required there anymore
  • No low-balling please
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