Club 3d 9600normal 128mb for sale For Rs 5000/-only with warranty

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Well like the topic says
Im selling my Club 3d 9600 normal 128mb gfx card purchased on 17th august 2004 so theres still like 1year 2months warranty left selling it cause i got a 9800pro.
I had baught the card for 7500 and selling it for Rs 5,000/-and whatever the shipping charges non negotiable. .

The card is freaking awesommee i used to play far cry with everything on high and water on ultra and used to get playable fps like 25-35fps .
In hl2 the card simply rocked i was getting an unbleievable 30-50fps . even heavy games like doom3 i played at 800X600 all high and got 30fps and that too with my backward rig:amd 1700+ and 512mb SD ram , so think what ur gonna get if u have a good high end system.
Theres absolutely no problem with the card watsover. And from what ive been told this card is built on the 9600pro core so its as good as the 9600pro. and like delhi bhai put it it has good oc potential but ive never tampered with all that.cause i dunno how:p
Anyways Im FRom Vizag so anyone interested plz do let me know as soon as you can.
And this is as low as i can go so i request you not to negotiate the price
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