Club 3d Radeon 9600 for sale !

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As the title says I have a Club 3d Radeon 9600 for sale.

Club 3d Radeon 9600 AGP ( stock core:memory --> 400/400, ati specifications are 325/400 )
Date of purchase : April 2004
Warranty left : 9 months remaining
Reason for sale : Planning to purchase a 6600 GT

Card is run at stock speeds and I have overclocked it only to see how high it can go. And I still got the box with the cables. Also to sweeten the deal I will be giving a DVD-ROM edition of Forgotten Realms Demon Stone (legal copy) which costs 1299 in the market . You can either play the game or sell it off if you dont have a DVD ROM.

Some benchmarks

3dmark03 : 2695

Aquamark3 : 22000 (approx)

I play ALL games at 1024 x 768 with a mix of high and medium. And I use the card on an nforce1 mbd having a 4x slot with a AMD 2400+. So you will have about the same performance.

Price : 3000 + shipping /-
kumar said:
Have to find that out...BTW I somehow must 'leech' money frm my parents for the card...

Know what u mean, my parents still dont know the exact money I spent on this current card :rofl:
Mods, please close this thread, I have decided not to sell this card as I feel my system will choke any new card I buy. So I will sell it later after I get a new system.

@kumar- since you expressed interest in the card, its still available for you.
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