CMS suggestion: Property Dealing website


PC enthusiast since MS DOS 5
Please suggest a CMS that I can use as Property dealing website for my friend ?

NOTE: Its a single user site. I mean ONE owner and buyers only.
? What do you mean by one owner and buyers only.

Drupal is an open source CMS which is quite popular despite it's steep at times learning curve. Do give it a shot.
Go for Drupal. I found Joomla too much and provides stuff which you don't necessarily need and therefore got a bit too confusing for me.

Drupal worked like a charm [infact my sitem which I've only made a few days ago runs on drupal]
My experience with Drupal has been very good, given that I'm a non-techie, and I had given both Drupal and Joomla a try.. You can virtually create any type of site with Drupal. Excellent community support is an added advantage; the learning curve is not really steep if you know how to follow instructions given in the community word by word.. :)
If I choose Drupal, which plug-in should I add to list and view and search properties ?

My friend is of very low HTML knowledge....
^ there is some built in custom search feature in drupal... dunno the exact location though., but i've seen it... just search around and you'll find it.