Colors-IT 400W SMPS for sale

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This is a very good smps,with 18 months warranty remaining from Micron Trading,NP.Ran my rig w/o issue.Much better than any local SMPS.
Price:350(negotiable by PM).
Reason for selling:Got a better one from the same company with SATA connector and APFC for future upgrades.
Product website:
Can ship it to any place for extra 50 bucks via courier but Delhi/NCR buyers preferred.
Only when its imported stuff,my friend.I think my (and many other people's like switch) ram have been on sale for quite some time w/o takers despite the fact its Kingston DDR 333 with warranty.And ocs beyond 400mhz.
When 512mb d43 is 2.1k,thats understandable.
Undertaker... You gotta have patience to make a sale. And about the RAM well if it dosent sell then try to keep it for a while. You never know when the price shoots up ;).
Where are you based - Indiana, USA or New Delhi ? Pl round off the price to Rs 300 inclusive of shipping to Assam.
i hv problem with my SMPS.
first i hv hycon 750 W inverter
When light comes or goes there is some mili sec time to shift from inv to mains or else in same time my PC reboots. i am using G-Teck servo stabilizer.
When i tried my friends SMPS it works Smoothly w/o restart. . . .

I thing there is somthing called capacitor is my cap is so small .. ?
oh i missed my smps is i box should your smps works fine with hykon 500 W inv ... ?

if yes i am happy to buy . . .
Well,the capacitor on the smps affects the hold time i.e the time that the smps can hold the current /voltage at sufficient levels(think of it as a milli-second ups!).This smps has a hold time of 16ms which is very good and should solve ur problem.
PS: What u have mentioned used to happen to me too b4 I got this smps so yes it will certainly help.
undertaker said:
Well,the capacitor on the smps affects the hold time i.e the time that the smps can hold the current /voltage at sufficient levels(think of it as a milli-second ups!).This smps has a hold time of 16ms which is very good and should solve ur problem.
PS: What u have mentioned used to happen to me too b4 I got this smps so yes it will certainly help.
So then quote Your prise on my mail
Hey Sid,
RE: ur psu.
could you post a close up of the inside (guts) of ur psu or post a link of it where there are many close-ups of the inside of the psu ???
Deejay don't really want to open the thing up or even my case at this moment.But will try to post some better pictures through the vents on one side soon.
But the build is solid,capacitors seem to be very good (and large in size) and rail stability is excellent for the price.
(idle/k7 burn)
All the rails are a little on the high side but fluctuation is very less even on the 5v rail.
And I think its a good thing to have rails a little higher coz it would provide greater stability in case of negative transients.
@ undertaker,
There is no divide in whatever form whether physical (location) / mental / or otherwise.....

and neither is it encouraged here on TE. our efficient staff takes care of that promptly....
so do not consider this anytime in future too.
We are for "seamless integration" both National (political / linguistic etc...) and PC Related.

Coming to the topic at hand. can you post a link where the inside of the psu is clearly visible. ??
The thing is a few days back i had switched on my VIP (starnet) 400 watts psu on my Abit IS-7 m/b. This psu was lying unused and idle for the past 2 or 3 months. when i switched it on there was a cracking sound from the psu indicating that some part has "blown".

opened the psu , the fuse was intact and ok. further probing revealed the driver transistor (next to the two switching transistor) had blown taking along many surrounding parts. all other semiconductors were ok.
Got a new transistor and changed the burnt /shorted parts. switched on the psu (jumper method) and well action replay.
Thinking the problem might be with the boot / startup circuit i gave it to my regular psu repairer to diagnose and rectify.

after two days he reported the psu was "unrepairable".
Took the psu from him and then gave it to 2 or 3 specialist repairing shops on lamington road. all of them reported "unrepairable".
got the psu back at home and started some serious diagnosis.

Found all the secondary rectifying diodes blown. The fuse was intact and ok still.(This is a real bad sign. if the fuse blows then it is very easy to diagnose and rectify)
and also found the root cause of the problem. The main Switching Transformer was shorted / faulty.
Since these are custom built it is difficult to obtain the replacements.
hence i want to purchase a cheap 400 watts (???) psu. so that i can salvage some of the truly good parts and components i had used while modifying my VIP psu 2 years back. i can use these hi quality caps, diodes and input filter coils etc... on the newly bought psu.
now you will understand why i need to see the inside of the psu ........hehe.
once i see that it is easily moddable or suitable for my needs the deal will be done instantly.
Edit: oops , mods can you move this post to where undertaker has posted about his offer for sale in the market section ....Thanks.
@ undertaker,


and sid, i got confused with these colorful names.

apparently the brand name of the m/b is "colorful"
and the link
The model is called Colorful Magic Dragon NF4U

here is the link to the pic.

here is the co. website link for more pics.

You will be surprised by it .......hehe
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