Company is looking for scraping developer - junior, intermediate.

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Enclave Plus
Job involves writing/maintaining scrapers in a PHP/golang environment . lots of debugging, analyzing large code base, problem solving

Mandatory 'Great at' requirements: PHP or golang, debugging in chrome dev - network, sources, using curl, php_curl, regex, scraping , using APIs, JSON
Mandatory 'basic knowledge' requirements: IDE with debugging setup, git, some Linux experience, bash/shell, php.

Most important: Looking for someone with integrity, honesty.

Don't worry if your English isn't good. Punctuality, proactive honest communication, mic quality are faar more important.
Posting as they have a referral program . Please PM me, or contact em directly. pay is decent/good.
Tip: video calls with clear mic. If that makes you nervous, don't let that stop you, it gets better, plus its not mandatory every time.

Other positions listed:
not as far as I know.. but I'll check.
!!Revised Easier requirement!! I can't edit original post :(

Company is willing to teach you stuff. so don't worry about the GREAT/good parts. your honesty and integrity are faar more important
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