PC Peripherals Compatible RAM upgrade!


I have:
Compaq with AMD athlon & Asus mobo.
My oem ram is Samsung PC2700 128mb 333 DDR. I had a GVC 256mb 400 DDR added by my local H/W wallah!
Now ,since then my computer hangs all of a sudden once in 2 or 3 days , even when the cpu or ram is not overloaded !
Could this hang up be because oem ram is 333(166mhz) & upgraded ram is 400(200mhz)?
Someone suggested I should install Kingston 256mb ddr400 & my problem will be solved. Because Kingston ram is backward compatible(whatever that means).
I personally want to install Kingston 512mb ddr400(as Kingston 512mb ddr 333 is not available in nehru place).
Can I install 512mb ddr400 in addition to my oem 128mb ddr333 ram?
Experts please reply as my life is really hung up at the moment :(
Run Memtest on both the sticks u have. Looks like one of ur RAM sticks is bad.

The other RAM u have added i.e. GVC will run at 166MHz automatically to be compatible with ur 123MB stick. Better option for upgrade will be to sell off the 123 MB stick and buy the 512 MB, so that both the sticks will now run at DDR 400.
I have One stick of 128mb DDR RAM 133mhz and combined it with 512mb DDR 400 (cpu-z shows as 200mhz max. bandwidth) didn't face any problem in last 1 month.
Josh said:
Run Memtest on both the sticks u have. Looks like one of ur RAM sticks is bad.

The other RAM u have added i.e. GVC will run at 166MHz automatically to be compatible with ur 123MB stick. Better option for upgrade will be to sell off the 123 MB stick and buy the 512 MB, so that both the sticks will now run at DDR 400.

Thanks for the reply Josh . But how do you run a memory test? :huh: & thanks 2007 for the info !