Storage Solutions Confused about external HDD buying

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Hi guys!

First of all, hats off to the great guys here and the superb forum! Registered here a bit late but never utilized the forum to the full extent. Keep up the great work! :hap2:

Coming to my query, I see a lot of redundant posts about external HDD suggestions and this has confused me A LOT!! My internal WD 160GB developed bad sectors out of the blue and now I'll have to backup my data and RMA it. So, I need the right HD to backup my data.

My requirements:

1. I backup data mostly to DVDs but would like certain data also to be on the external HDD. So, a minimum of 320GB and max of 500GB

2. I'm staying away from Seagate due to bad experiences in the recent past. Please suggest particular models in WD. I'm confused with all the different names associated with them. Could you guys please take the time to explain what are the advantages/disadvantages of those?

3. Cost is definitely a factor, but as long as the drive is reliable, I'm ready to shell out money. Preferably 5k max.

4. What is the advantage of having external power source to the HD? Though I never would carry the external HD anywhere, there might be times when I might need to. So, portability would help.

5. For now, I'll be backing up most of the data from linux. Are there any drives out there which misbehave on linux or have trouble detecting the proper data once I move them to Windows?

6. Does Firewire really help in transferring data faster? I've never tried this till date and would like your feedback.

I'll probably buy the HD on monday. So, please take your time to help me out with the best solution and I'll be really grateful to you guys :)

Could you guys also recommend any particular store in Bangalore?
WD Passport 320GB/500GB - both fits your budget. The Passport series do not require additional power since they use a 2.5" drive as opposed to the 3.5" drive which requires additional power.

Firewire is slightly faster compared to USB and that's about it. The eSATA port however, is considerably faster than USB & Firewire - not to be found on the 2.5" based external drives though.

No idea concerning the Linux based query. As for shops in Bangalore, walk down the SP Road and enquire the pricing for the drives. Buy whatever is cheaper. Ankit Infotech is known to have given decent quotes.
WD passport 320GB - 3.35k

WD passport 500GB - 4.8k

These are the 2.5" drives and are more compact. Can be carried around in the jeans pocket. The ones with external power is bulky. If you have power outages then avoid the ones with external ones bcoz if lot of power outages happen then there is high probability that the HDD may crash and also you need to use few s/w's to pass ur data copy. Else if the power goes off in the middle of a copy then you have to start it all over again.

They are cheaper though

WD Essential 1TB - 5.2k

Seagate Free Agent 1TB - 4.85k

So if being bulky and power outages is not a problem then 3.5" wil be a better bet
Dont buy 2.5" HDD they are costly and most of the times works on usb on the back side(motherboard).Some of the drives doesn't get detected on the front usb panel(cabinet) OR have slow transfer speeds on the front usb panel(cabinet)
Buy external 3.5" bcause
1)Less price 500GBcost(2.5")=1TBGBcost(3.5")
2)less portable than 2.5" but always get detected on Front usb and also gives
better transfer rates than 2.5".Tranfer rates are important if u have large capacity drive.
Once u get ur 1TB it will be full in no better not get 500GB(2.5")
Firewire and esata COMES AT A PREMIUM PRICE.U will have to shell extra 1k-2k for firewire an esata.
I am using Seagate 500GB external bught in 2007.It worked flawlessly,But i recommend u WD as i have seen multiple failures in SEAGATE(internal) and also there might be failures with externals also.:hap2:
Bought a WD Passport 500GB for Rs.4860 nett. That should suffice for now. Since I prefer to backup my data on DVD as well, not all of it goes to the HD. Still haven't connected the drive to the system. The cable is TOO DARN SHORT!! For now, backing up data to the linux drive. Reinstall Windows and then I'll start backing up to the HD.
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