confused commerce student-help!

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i am a 11th class commerce student currently exploring courses offered by universities and career options.i have shortlisted 3 options as the cream of the crop:
bba/bbm & mba
ba.llb (corporate)
are these really the best options or am i missing something?and how do i choose the best among the above 3?(interest is largely irrelevant,but gun-to-the-head,i would say i slightly lean towards management.)my priorities are: salary and progression of career.also could somebody point me towards a relevant forum where these topics are much debated?or any other online resource that is material.any help is much appreciated.thanks!
To be fair , please Chose your interest . I am now stuck in a position , where i am studying in one of the most prestigious college , but this is not what i wanted to do . I never gave a damn about what anyone said , never chased money , but now i have a good college but i am not performing upto my optimal level here . I never enjoy going to my college , nor the fun during studies is there , over time i have lost most of my friends all since i listened to those 4 log ," you have a good college ,and hence a good package " . No one would recruit somebody who doesn't has a interest in that field . I chased money and now i have dim prospects for both .

PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR INTEREST , it will help you in your long term , it will get you better job prospects and salary you desire + you will enjoy doing it .
Where ever your interest lies do that , people will come , say something and go . It is you who you have to satisfy over time and keep happy . If Accounts , Numbers and Various Legal sections satisfy you pursue CA , if Litigation , finding out irregularities , makes you happy choose the legal side , but still discover more about your options , gather more info on subjects you have to study and then form a opinion . There is Money everywhere , it is for you to discover how you can extract it .
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I have to agree with @mpaspc
First, make sure that you have first hand info. about all the 3 courses. Check out their syllabus or meet people who have done/doing these courses and then if that sparks your interest in either one of them, just go for it
There is no point in studying or working for the sake of it, you loose interest you loose everything and it becomes difficult to get back on track

If you are aiming for money then all the courses listed by you will get you that but it always comes down to your own capabilities
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