Monitors confusion on lcd monitor purchase


Hi guys,

I am confused on purchasing lcd monitor.

my problem :-

with 9800gtx coming in december is it the right time now to buy a lcd monitor with resolution of 1680x1050 (viewsonic vx2235wm)

or will 9800gtx need 1920x1080 ?

or buy after 9800gtx releases ?

help me
You're going the wrong way about it :p Its the monitor that decides the graphics card, not the other way round. You can even use 640x480 on 9800gtx if you wish to.
As to your query, better wait for crysis benchmarks to get a clear picture.
I dont find there is much difference in 20.1 and 22, but when it comes to load on GC .. 22" with full resolution is quite high.

Get a better quality (type of panel,response time,viewing angle) 20.1 than a 22

And you GC can support 22" happily. At last .. LCD price and specs are really going fast, if you wait until DEC .. i am sure you will get better deal.