Congrats Techboy !!

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Rockyme2002 said:

ALL Masky is thinkin is bout lOve :P ...nice avtar :P

Rofl :rofl: :rofl: Switch is too :bleh:

Unless i see pics i wont belive it. That might very well have been his dad say on the phone.

Edit: Yea as bluff said, why would the dealer give away his customers name. Price ok maybe, but name. Fat chance
hunt3r said:
Rofl :rofl: :rofl: Switch is too :bleh:

Unless i see pics i wont belive it. That might very well have been his dad say on the phone.

Edit: Yea as bluff said, why would the dealer give away his customers name. Price ok maybe, but name. Fat chance
maybe the dealer is as smart as techboy.. :bleh:
^^could be...but i dont think if he was a dealer he wouldbt be posting abt kaput possibility threads....:P
btw i'm sure...techboi is watching silently all this....when will he speakout...;)
what's so hard to believe that techboi bought a 30k display card ? He might have the money but he's dumb.
I told you from where the money came, did I not?
also, what did Anish do?
how did he do it?
why wasn't I informed of this thread?
Wtf would any dealer give out the name of the customer to some1 on the fone....?
Leave the dealer....Why would anyone bring a 3rd person into the conversation if the person I am talking to doesn't know the 3rd person...

If i am talking to X, I wouldn't mention the name of Y or even bring him into the conversation if I am not sure that X knows Y.....As we heard in the phone call Anish did not mention that he knew Akshay.....This clearly means....the so-called dealer knew that the all was coming from TE and thats the only reason he mentioned TB's name....:P
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