Congratulations to Arun_Rulezzz For Winning the Trackmania Nations Finals

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Arun_Rulezzz, has won the Indian ESCW Finals for Trackmania Nations as per his SMS to me. He is off to Paris:)

He gets a QUAD SLI PC worth 4 Lacs As per his SMS...

Heres wishing him all the best and a good time ahead.

And ensuring that he treats the Mumbai TE members when he is back:D
Wow congrats m8, a party is due then aing, not bad for a cross-dresser :P (refer the Mumbai meet pics for details about this :P )

and that quad sli pc for wining indian finals or grand finals?? if Indian, then am speechless :O
Heartiest congratulations to our own TE boy (Member) winning the National Championships.
Thats great news XT.

Perhaps all the Guidance, Tutorials, Support etc...from the senior members of TE have paid rich dividends (...Tongue in cheek ...)

Now you guys realise why i was so confident about "MY" TE Clan thrashing our "opponents" in CSS.;)

NB: MY= not an egoistic "MY" , but devotionally and emotionally "MY":huh:

ps: in our (TE Clan) scheme of things arun rulezz is merely a "Left Back" ....The Enemy has yet to see the main strikers ....:ohyeah:

once again congagulations to arun for doing us TE members proud ....
Wow...congrats Arun!!

This should go some way in encouraging pro gaming.

Trackmania nations is a AOE type of game??

Edit:Looks like Deejay got football fever.
what did he do?

how did he do?

how does somebody do what he did?

are there any pro gamers whose earning is only through games?

congrats buddy.......

(but i don't think it could be for winning india finals, must be for the grand finals)
QUA...QUA...QU...QUARDD...QUARDDDDDD....QUARD SLI!!?!?!?!?!.....

OMG congrats mate! Wish you the ebst of luck.Kick those derriere francais! :D
Darthcoder said:
Wow...congrats Arun!!
This should go some way in encouraging pro gaming.

Trackmania nations is a AOE type of game??
Edit:Looks like Deejay got football fever.

I go with the flow .....
Thers is a reason and season for every activity , sporting or otherwise....

ps: You the news guys of TE we the members request a very good article on this the forthcoming TE newsletter.
I donot think Arun has Net Access. He is in New Delhi right now. I have no idea when he is coming back. Will try to contact him and let you all know if i can.
wow wow wow wow aND JUST WOW.
best thing more than the quad sli is the winner is from TE :D KEEP IT UP!!!!!
i'm really happy and proud indian :D tht one will represent india in paris. best of luck with you.
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