Converting Date & Time Format from mysql in php


On a Journey called Life :P
Guy's I want to display date and time in an html / php page which are been recorded in mysql when record was inserted

the current code displays it in the following way

 <?php echo $row_articals['publicationDate']; ?>

 2012-05-08 23:55:48

so now is it possible to change that format while fetching data from mysql and having the date like " 9 May 2012 " and time in 12 hrs format with am / pm .

Thank you for reading

Have a nice Night / day ahead.

My Problem is that the dates and time are stored under the

they are stored into e.g.= " 2012-05-08 23:55:48 " format .

I did tried what you suggested and still failed to achieve what I want.

what else can i do ????

I have seen something about UNIX timestamp and them something something .........

But don't know how to use it .

I am still an beginner in php but there is an need of this task and so needed help regarding it

Thank for so faster reply
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]echo date("j",strtotime([/font]$row_articals['publicationDate'][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif])); [/font]

No " " for variables .
I am facing a strange problem :/

I am now getting my desired out put .It worked First time but second time on the same page it's not working

Second time Code :

 <?php echo date("D, j F, Y h:i:s a",strtotime($row_articals['time']));  


Output :
 Thu, 1 January, 1970 01:00:00 am

mow where did january , 1970 came from i don't know
and the time is also wrong, from what is there in mysql database.

First one is working properly with same code
it is the start of standard Unix time. When you use strtotime you get the total no of seconds after the standard UNIX time. There should be something wrong with the format you are using inside the Data function. What is the format you want i'll get it for you.
Oh MyBad

I found the mistake I was making

I was fetching data form two different tables with one code which contented only one table name

now every thing is working awesome

Thank you guys for helping me out