Converting Wired to Partly Wireless Network

Hi I have 2 desktops (PC1 and PC2 )and 1 laptop (LAPTOP). All wired together

As of now i use 3 network cards on my "PC1" desktop , one gets the internet connection and other 2 connect to the "PC2" and "LAPTOP" respectively. I have bridged the Connections for the PC2 and LAPTOP (ON PC1) and shared the Internet for the bridge, also i use shared folders on each of the three systems.

So right now no problem i can use internet and share files without a hitch.

BUT i want to have wireless internet and file sharing for my LAPTOP (has wifi), keeping other PCs connected by Ethernet cables as it is.

What hardware will i need and how to configure the network.

Kindly Help.
You will need a Wifi router with ethernet ports. Most wifi routers come with 4 ethernet ports, so no probs. Linksys and Buffalo are popular brands. The start at about Rs2000 for the basic models. Configuring the network is fairly simple. Just follow the manual or ask here :)
