Storage Solutions Copying to pen drive gets interrupted

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My father is using a moserbaer 2gb pen drive since past two years. It is only used for ms office, pdf documents and some jpeg images. But since yesterday while copying files in it, after some copying progress it is throwing random errors like--The disk is write-protected, The request could not be preformed because of an I/O error or The device is not ready.

I formatted his pendrive and even did scan in HDD Regenerator & also did HDD Low Level Format. and the drive is shown healthy.

I'm dead sure there isnt any virus in my PC. The same files are been copied easily on my moserbaer, transcend & corsair pendrives.

What else can be done to overcome the issue?

P.S: I encountered similar issue with my friends transcend 2gb pendrive last yr but cant remember what exactly i did to sort the problem.:ashamed:
You can try cleaning the golden leads (if possible) in your pen drive... If it doesnt work out, just replace it with a new one. You get a 8gb pen drive for as low as 550 nowadays...
try coping using tera copy, some times windows copy pop such error . And also use a different usb port, backside ports are preferable.
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