Monitors Cpu+monitor=40k

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Hello e1

pls suggest me a cpu and a monitor for 40k


confused over everything so i dont have anything in my mind now

ill buy it locally (hyderabad)

please include a hd 5770 in it

or any other card and monitor so i can max out any game at that max resolution
supported by the monitor
buy an amd system will let others do the other work! but BUY A DELL LCD!!! you know why!!!
Processor: AMD Phenom II X2 550 - 5.2k or Athlon II X4 620 - 5.3k

Mobo: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k

RAM: Transcend 2GB DDR3 1333MHz - 2.6k

GPU: ATI 4870 512GB DDRIII - 8.6k

HDD: Seagate 500GB SATAII 7200.12 series- 2.4k

Cabinet: CM Elite 310 - 1.5k

SMPS: Gigabyte Superb 460W - 2.2k

Optical Drive: L.G. GH22NS30 SATA/Samsung SH-S22F SATA - 1.1k

Monitor: Benq G2220HD 22" - 8k

Keyboard: Samsung Pleomax - .2k

Mouse: Logitech Optical - .4k

Total - 40k

MODS please shift this thread to CPU / Mobo Corner
Please change the above config to :

CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 550

Mobo: Biostar TA790GXE 4K

2GB Kingston 800MHz - 1.8k

Corsair VX 450 - 4.2K

Gigabyte Superb is best used with upto 9800GT, or maybe 4850 but not for 4870. You may get the DDR2 version of the config, as there won't be much of a performance difference between the two configs. If you can add some more buck and get 4GB RAM and be done with it. Kingston gives 5 years replacement warranty anyway.
dvijaydev46 said:
Please change the above config to :
CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 550
Mobo: Biostar TA790GXE 4K
2GB Kingston 800MHz - 1.8k
Corsair VX 450 - 4.2K

Gigabyte Superb is best used with upto 9800GT, or maybe 4850 but not for 4870. You may get the DDR2 version of the config, as there won't be much of a performance difference between the two configs. If you can add some more buck and get 4GB RAM and be done with it. Kingston gives 5 years replacement warranty anyway.

Going with DDR2 now is suicidal.

Go with Cheap DDR3 Rams as i suggested and no need to go to DDR2 config now

DDR2 prices will increase further and DDR3 mainstreaming bomb will be triggered on January 3 by Intel's Core i3 core i5
Anubis said:
Going with DDR2 now is suicidal.

Go with Cheap DDR3 Rams as i suggested and no need to go to DDR2 config now

DDR2 prices will increase further and DDR3 mainstreaming bomb will be triggered on January 3 by Intel's Core i3 core i5

Which one is suicidal? Whether going with the system which will properly run or having an insufficient PSU?

BTW not everybody will upgrade their systems as often as we do. 550BE is faster anyway for his requirements. Always buy for today not for tomorrow. If you want to be future proof, buy when the prices go down.
Gigabyte 460w can handle ATI 4870
But if you want to play safe then Cooler Master Real Power Pro 460w - 3.5k

DDR3 is futureproof specially since you have the budget

Moreover DDR2 mobo/ram prices ~ DR3 mob/ram prices

Difference hardly .6k

Choice is yours

Save .6k and go with to be outdated DDR2 or spend .6k more and go for DDR3 futureproof

Mobo: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k

RAM: Transcend 2GB DDR3 1333MHz - 2.6k

total: 7.2K

Mobo: Biostar TA790GXE 4K

2GB Kingston 800MHz - 1.8k (let it be 2K)

Total: 6K

Diffreence 7.2 - 6 = 1.2K.

The OP will get a mode advanced 790GX instead of 785 for cheaper.

Most importantly, Gigabyte Superb is as I said not recommended for 4870. It needs at least 22 A on 12v rail but I the Giga doesn't have that much.
sunny27 said:
buy an amd system will let others do the other work! but BUY A DELL LCD!!! you know why!!!

ya dude i know and im still feeling jealous :P

GPU: ATI 4870 512GB DDRIII - 8.6k

SMPS: Gigabyte Superb 460W - 2.2k

fireworks inside my rig

also 4870 needs two 6x pci-e connectors

gigabyte offers only 1

You may get the DDR2 version of the config, as there won't be much of a performance difference between the two configs

is it true........if so how about some intel quad setups

Mobo: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k

cant find it in my place and also not in any online stores
dvijaydev46 said:
Mobo: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k
RAM: Transcend 2GB DDR3 1333MHz - 2.6k
total: 7.2K

Mobo: Biostar TA790GXE 4K
2GB Kingston 800MHz - 1.8k (let it be 2K)
Total: 6K
Diffreence 7.2 - 6 = 1.2K.

The OP will get a mode advanced 790GX instead of 785 for cheaper.

Most importantly, Gigabyte Superb is as I said not recommended for 4870. It needs at least 22 A on 12v rail but I the Giga doesn't have that much.

Fine let it be 1.2k but its worth the futureproof assurance .

Now i7 920 + ATI 4870 consume max 183w @ idle and 338w @ full load

I see no reason Athlon II x4 620 which consumes much much less power than i7 920 cannot sustain an ATI 4870 on Gigabyte 460w

So theoritically Athlon II x4 620 + ATI 4870 should consume much less than i7 920 + Ati 4870

Grow up bro , stop acting like a child

.6k more than estimiation will not mean 6000k

AnandTech: AMD?s Radeon HD 5770 & 5750: DirectX 11 for the Mainstream Crowd
AnandTech: AMD?s Radeon HD 5770 & 5750: DirectX 11 for the Mainstream Crowd
GIGABYTE - Product - PC Components - Power Supply - Products - Superb 460

Lastly Athlon II x4 620 + GTX 280 consumes max 111w @ idle and 174.8w @ full load

But ATI 4870 consume much less power than GTX 280 .

So ATI 4870 should run fine on Gigabyte 460w ( but not anything above than this )

AnandTech: AMD Athlon II X4 620 & 630: The First $99 Quad Core CPU
AnandTech: AMD Athlon II X4 620 & 630: The First $99 Quad Core CPU
ocizer said:
how could i manage the connectors then


your quoting it too low on price

hd 5770 1gb beats this version right

ATI 4870 512mb - 8.6k is not at all a low quote

Moreover ATI 5770 1gb can't beat ATI 4870

Well if you have money go with VX 450 .

I would again say that if you have budget you should go for VX 450 ( 4k )
Anubis said:
stop acting like a child

God forbid this word. Why in the world, people have started using this for no reason? Dude, maybe 1.2 k isn't a big deal for you, but it is for others.

Now coming to the topic;

Reviews are just for reference and they are not to be taken word by word. Gigabyte Superb comes with active PFC and that's why we always recommend that for lower power consuming configurations, but supposing it has 80% efficiency at full load, will it give 368W of power? Where is the evidence for that? Even if it's true, is that really a 460W PSU? My setup when not OCed consumes more than 260W of power at load, I'm just having a 9600GT. When OCed, it goes beyond 370W. Remember that mine is a VX 450, which has about 84% efficiency at that load.

Dude no offense to you. But do not go overboard and start abusing others.
dvijaydev46 said:
God forbid this word. Why in the world, people have started using this for no reason? Dude, maybe 1.2 k isn't a big deal for you, but it is for others.

Now coming to the topic;

Reviews are just for reference and they are not to be taken word by word. Gigabyte Superb comes with active PFC and that's why we always recommend that for lower power consuming configurations, but supposing it has 80% efficiency at full load, will it give 368W of power? Where is the evidence for that? Even if it's true, is that really a 460W PSU? My setup when not OCed consumes more than 260W of power at load, I'm just having a 9600GT. When OCed, it goes beyond 370W. Remember that mine is a VX 450, which has about 84% efficiency at that load.

Dude no offense to you. But do not go overboard and start abusing others.

Too many sparks flowing here and there

I already said if he has budget go for VX 450 and finish the matter

The quarrel is because his budget is low
That was because I was typing then :). But I would never recommend an insufficient PSU if the budget is low. I would either ask the OP to increase the budget or reduce the config ;)
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