Creative Zen NX 20 GB MP3 player

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Creative Zen NX 20 GB MP3 player , it includes
1) Player
2) Leather case
3) AC Adapter 110~250 ( it also charges the rechargeable Li ion battery )
4) Earphones
5) USB cable
6) Creative CD which includes the propriety software

About battery : The rechargable battery gives a 10 Hour per charge life and it takes 3 hours to get fully charged .

Audio Quality : audio quality is top notch . Has a 98 DB S/N ratio ( Ipod has 90 DB s/n ratio ). No offence to IPod owners but its much much better audio quality than an ipod .

Other features : 1)Has on the fly playlist .
2) Has a search track option .
3) Has EAX settings , i.e can customize ur own band setting , has a 4 band equalizer.
4) Can be used as a portable HArd Disk . Interface is USB 2.0 and is backward compatible with USB 1.1 .
5) has enuff punch to sound incredible with it directly connected to a creative 2.1 inspire , can easily suffice ur needs in ur own bedroom w/o needing an amplifier .

I use it at ,1. home
a. getting connected to inspire 2.1 speakers and also to my music system .
2. in my car using a cassette adapter .

3. while am travelling , but ofcourse :eek:hyeah:

4. for data transfer . ( 20 Gig allows me to take lots of movies at once )

Reason for sale : getting an iriver H320 .

Product purchased in Japan hence no warranty .

Price : Rs 9900/-


  • erere.JPG
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its 6 1/2 months old .

@Switch ...have a brand new Casio Exilim EX-Z40 to sell ...PM if interested ... not used cos already have 3 digicam's .....
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alright techmaster why dont u get stormblast and archish one piece each plus i will buy 10 more lemme know when can u get it ...??!....ok ?!..... This is India .... here u get the same for 18,000 bucks ....or as a matter of fact why dont u sell ur zen touch ....i will buy it for 10,500..!.... think before u post ....
atleast think before u post techmaster.

someone is trying to make a sale here. what if u were selling something & someone says u get it for much cheaper here n all.
well masky ....i called him a moron and a juvenile fkuc.....dont u think hez worthy of it ? .... i think every bit !.... anyway it isnt that am swearing at his folks or have something against him ..... its totally bcos of his credible remarks ....only a dodo wud do such a thing ..Strong words wud act as a deterrent besides stormblast even mentioned it in the next reply that such behaviour is unacceptable .... instead of just editing my post , i wud have appreciated if you had issued a public warning to techmaster along with editing my post ..Its not that my ego's hurt or am acting immaturish or juvenile myself , its the question of principle ..anyway whatever ...
Look all techmaster did was make people aware. he just made a comment and a link.
Poeple know that these things are almost double here in INdia. Those who can get it from US will get it anyway it doesnt matter what techmaster says. In my opinion he did not intend to spoil your sale.
There would still be lots of people interested in buying that from you at that awesome price.

And stormblast if something can be bought for much cheaper then the people deserve to know it.
moron and juvenile are registered words of the english language , yea about fkuc i take it back and apologize .. if someone hijacks my thread i have every reason to defend sorry masky , no offence and nothing personal here ...again its ur perception of whats right and whats wrong ...
FYI, moron is a noun and juvenile is an adjective.. calling someone moron b'coz they posted a link to some site where the cheapest u can get is for US$240 (including shipping) which turns out to be a little over Rs.10,500.00, is not justified.. from waht i make out of that link, ur deal is still a better one than getting a brand new piece from the US of A.. but like u said, thats just my way of thinking.. ;)

and juvenile per se is no problem.. its what follows the adjective that matters.. anyways, am glad u have apologised for use of abusive lingo. thats good.

and no offense taken too
ohh yea about moron ..yea it aint an adjective ...forgot to add the 'ic' to make it moronic .... i hope u dont start editing threads for grammatical mistakes ... techenclave , tech site is it ? ? .... :bleh: ....
The ear/headphones supplied with the Zen suck, so theres an additional investment required if u buy the zen.
If given a chooice i wud go for a Rio Karma 20 GB as the sound quality of that player is amazing although the features dont match up to the Zen, but its still much much better than the Zen Touch.
Darthcoder said:
The ear/headphones supplied with the Zen suck, so theres an additional investment required if u buy the zen.

Hey DC,

wudnt u agree that opinion of urs is subjective? on what basis are u making such a statement? if it is the music quality u r talking about, isnt that subjective too? like, i may like one particular set of speakers and say that's the best.. i am sure there are a lot of others who wud "respectfully" disagree with me..

may be if u cud elaborate on why r making such a comment.. also, if ppl wanna know more about stuff, they are free to ask and discuss about it in General Hardware section..
sure masky was about to say that too , fortunately pressed the refresh button before posting ..hehe .. ;) ..... anyway mp3 player ...anyone ?....
Ya, I guess it just ain't right if some1 tries to make a margin by selling US bought stuff on this portal...this is supposed to be a friendly meeting place and not an equicalent of baazee.....

BTW no flame 'gainst u Ragin coz for all I know, you may have bought it for the equivalent of say 15K 6 months ago......

Just stating what I feel ....
hey ragin why you making such a big fuss about it.i was just letting ppl know something cheaper is avaliable.
i do not mind even if my post is removed if you feel it's causing ppl not to buy your player.nothing against you.
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