CS lagging!!!!



One of my friends has the following config-

amd athlon 64 3200+
Trancend 1.5 gb JetRam
Seagate 160 gb HDD (If Required :p )

The problem he's facing is that while playing CS 1.6 , even with the tiniest amount of smoke, The whole thing starts to lag!! Even at 800X600 resolution. The fps drops to <10. The moment he looks away from the smoke, every thing's fine!! And this is the same pc that ran aoe3 smoothly (albeit at low settings).

He has tried everything in the book and to no avail... What could be the problem??

Thanks in advance...

If this is happening on an online server like Fragshack, then its an issue with the server and not with the system.

If this is happening offline, then it is an issue with the GeForce 6100 which can't handle smoke very well.

I had an A64 3000+ AM2 on a M2NPV-MX and CS used to lag with smoke too.
biosbhai said:
If this is happening on an online server like Fragshack, then its an issue with the server and not with the system.

If this is happening offline, then it is an issue with the GeForce 6100 which can't handle smoke very well.

I had an A64 3000+ AM2 on a M2NPV-MX and CS used to lag with smoke too.

wolfff said:
Is he using onboard Gfx ? In that case it wont matter if he is playing online or not, it will most certainly lag...

Yup, he is using the onboard 6100... But are the frame rates supposed to go so low??? It lags like crazy and is almost unplayable.... ( He's shouting all the time begging us not to smoke when playing on LAN :rofl: ) . Is there anything that can be done to improve this?? Except getting a GPU?? :p
6100 has no power to handle Smoke. The FPS will drop.

No ways to go around it. Hell have to buy a Graphics Card for it. Atleast a 7300GT..
what crap... mine is 5200 and smoke comes out very well... chk out with direct x ... u mite be havin old Dx... or ur Card is gone...
^^ How does that matter? The onboard gfx cards always have problems processing 3d effects. Your 5200 will perform better than a 6100.