Monitors Dell 1908FP Monitor: Rotate View?


I see where this monitor's screen can rotate, but I can't find any documentation on how to rotate the view of web browsers, etc., 90 degrees so I can get more of a top-to-bottom view than a left-to-right view (in which there's a lot of dead space). The only documentation I find on rotating the screen is the suggestion that you rotate the screen in order to plug in the power and VGA cord.

Does anyone know whether it's possible to rotate the view on this monitor?
usually the monitor ships with a software that allows you to change the orientation of your desktop according to the angle view you have kept your display at.... check for that...or there is a seting in the menu of the monitor settings...
If your monitor is Ultrasharp 1908FP, it should support it. You also need the proper drivers for your video card to do that. AFAIK, Catalyst control center has the option of doing it and Im pretty sure Nvidia driver app will also have such an option. I havent tried this yet, will check mine maybe next weekend.
AFAIK for rotating the view, the only thing your monitor should do is rotate 'physically'.

Actually rotating the desktop/window view is dependant on your graphics card, so head to ATI Catalyst Control Center / Nvidia Control panel and then look for the option to rotate the view. An option like 'Rotate by 90 deg' is what you're looking for. Have tried it on my Nvidia card and it works flawlessly :)
I have hd2600 pro but rotate function doesnt work in windows xp with ATI as well as omega drivers . It rotates properly in vista . As said above monitor has to do nothing for rotation ( except physically) , its ability of graphic card to rotate screen display .