Monitors Dell LCD from an Employee?


I understand that Dell employees get real good discounts. Is it worthwhile to get a Dell LCD from an employee? A friend's sis is working with Dell and I'm thinking of asking her.

Will their be probs with warranty?
^^^Yup.. Cos SS himself had got me my 22incher and its clearly laid down on the invoice 5yrs warranty.

And besides the warranty from DELL's exceptional; they send u the replacement and then collect the daamaged one. :)

So go ahead naga.
None iirc. :)
Plus you get a fat discount. :D

And they don't even collect the old one, even if ihad some colour/ghosting/banding/bleeding issues- farookh has 4x2407 with him iirc. :)
Another guy had issues with his E228 and they replaced it thrice and finally gave him a E248(or was it a 2408:S) for the trouble he went through. :)
saintsinner said:
hmmm,how fat is the discount??

Depends on how fond of you the dell employee is or how close he/she feels you are. :p

For more details, you have to catch hold of someone close who works for Dell. :)
^ didnt know the discount is that high.

When I bought my monitors, I thought its not much to bug my friend to get them through his sister. After I told him I got dells, I got good trashing. But didnt figure I could have saved this much.

Now I know what to do the next time :)