Monitors Dell LED Monitor ... shadow/patch? Help Please.


Hello Friends,

With my Dell ST2220 just from last one month found a light shadow at left hand side border of monitor- not sure either is it a issue or nothing & need to ignore it :ashamed:

Also it's visible ONLY when you open a Blank Page otherwise hard to noticed.

Here is Picture with border on area where I found shadow.

Uploaded with

Any suggestions please
ggt said:
your resolution is not native.

change it to 1920 x1080.

I did same to check but still the Black patch is there, just have CARE FULL look from top LEFT HAND side of monitor & you will notice black patch just 2 inch in length & hardly 5 mm in width like an object place before the flash/light source.

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pratikb said:
update your gfx drivers.

may be thats the reason and see your screen refresh ratesput them to what your screen supports.

No GFX card with my system but using VGA cable to connect monitor. What I concern is not the Vertical lines all over monitor (I didn't notice those in actual but in pics only), but look at the picture CLOSELY near left hand side of Screen few inches below from Upper Left Hand corner.
The monitor is edgelit LED with a glossy bezel. There is always a slight discoloration on the two edges from the reflection of the screen off the bezel and back, visible at very specific angles and in certain conditions. For nitpickers like me, it's always visible and very irritating.

That apart, run a white uniformity test to see if the monitor is really defective. Drivers or resolution have nothing to do with it, only refresh rate may slightly discolour areas of a monitor but that is pretty uncommon for LCDs. Note that 100% uniformity is not achievable with backlit panels in current industry conventions. There may be slight discolorations around the border of the monitor, this is usually not a defect.
cranky, it's definitely not the Reflection of bezel as I confirm it by facing LCD toward light source.
How to run a white uniformity test :ashamed:
1. Open Paint

2. Create picture of native resolution size

3. Fill with white colour (255/255/255)

4. Save as JPEG

5. Open with Picture viewer

6. Fullscreen view, and start checking for defects at a short and long distances, and from different angles.
or if you dont feel like doing that you can download Dead Pixel Locator. Its a small program that fills up the screen with a solid colour of your choice. Just 187KB. No installation required.

Dead Pixel Locator
6pack said:
or if you dont feel like doing that you can download Dead Pixel Locator. Its a small program that fills up the screen with a solid colour of your choice. Just 187KB. No installation required.

Dead Pixel Locator
I suspect if it's dead pixel issue, as I didn't noticed any problem while reading/viewing any text or pics under this shadowed area.

Even it's not visible while there is stock color test by dell monitor itself but unfortunately no white color included in this test (or I miss it)

Thanks for input :)

PS: 6pack- dead pixel test PASSED no such problem :)
it also looks to like a dead pixel.

since its new, I will not trouble myself to do about it. just send it back to your supplier for replacement.