PC Peripherals Dell XPS 700


If any of you didn't here, Dell revealed the XPS 700 about three days ago. This thing is showing some huge changes from the XPS 600 including hardware/software options, and even a new look which for once with dell, CAN effect the price.

Assuming we choose the "Hard Core Gaming":eek:hyeah: setup with the red case (+$100), here is what DELL offers us:

CPU: Anything from a P4 at 3.8 Ghz to the newly offered

Pentium® 965 Extreme Edition w/ Dual Core Tech (3.73GHz, 4MB Cache)

Physical Memory: 4G of Ram

Hard drive: An insane 1.5 Terabytes (1x 1T + 1x 500G):clap:

"Video Card: Dell has made some radical changes, including finally getting off only Nvidea and offering the fairly new: 512MB ATI Radeon X1900 XTX

Thou if you want to spend another $1000 you can still juice this thing up with the: Dual 1GB NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2 Dual-GPU Graphics Cards, Quad SLI

DELL also is offering the: "AGEIA® PhysX® physics accelerator", though for $250 and almost no games using it yet i would recommend (and apparently so does DELL after chatting with one of their XPS tech guys) to wait for the price on the PhysX card to go down.

Keyboards: AS in the XPS 600 DELL offers their keyboards and keyboards from Saitek ($44) and LOGITECH ($80)

Mouse: The same as before DELL offers the newer versions of the RAZOR and LOGITECH mice along with its own

Sound: For once, DELL doesn't even give you a choice on this one. If you buy an XPS 700, you sign yourself to buying with it the:

"Sound Blaster® X-Fi™ XtremeMusic (D), w/Dolby® Digital 5.1" sound card.

Speakers: Wow, Anything from DELL's 2.1 ($30) to LOGITECH 5.1 sorround sound ($359)

Then DELL has all those modem things if you want any of that crap...

Software: You can now get the option "No-preinstalled software". Most of you might thing that would be just making you do some stuff and wasting time but if any of you have a DELL, you know they put all that wild tangent software and all of that other "clog-ware" on your computer slowing it down.

Security: Finally DELL is also offering: PC-cillin Internet Security with AntiVirus and Spyware. I have read many reviews stating that this program works just as well as Norton but is cheaper and more user friendly.

And then of corse there is all that other stuff from DELL. I don't know about you, but even though this is a great computer, i think i am going to wait for two things to come out first before i get a new computer:

1. Windows Vista (Doesn't matter much but i don't want to pay for XP and then have to change to Vista 6 months later for another $200)

2. The long awaited and anticipated Intel 1207 pin socket along with the Core 2 Duo Prossesor (aka Conroe).

Either way i'm glad:hap2: to see DELL taking up new technologies quicker, and offering a wider variety of products (though still a bit pricey).

EDIT: Assuming you buy all the expensive stuff (not including $350 speakers and the 30in screen and software), this baby is going to cost you upwards of $6,000. Assuming you get the dual prossesor, the dual 512 gfx cards, no software, and the 20in screen instead of the 24in along with 2g instead of 4g ram and 360G hard drive this will cost you about $4300. But expect to be spending at LEAST $3,000 if you buy one of these in any usefull configuration today. (advise: wait for prices to drop)

For any fo you loosers who want to know how much an XPS 700 with ALL and i mean ALL the extra crap can cost, the total highest price you could get on a DELL XPS 700 is $51,585
That machine is garbage... Who is gonna buy a Pentium D for a gaming system lol. Whoever does that must be totally insane :p.
^^ I dunno why Intel have been marketting that.

Even all the ESWC hoardings in India, had Intel Pentium D logo's on it.

Every1's coming to me and asking how good are the Pentium D's for Gaming.

I was like, dont even think about it :p.
Chaos said:
That machine is garbage... Who is gonna buy a Pentium D for a gaming system lol. Whoever does that must be totally insane :p.

If you read what i said, yo will see that DELL also now offers the Pentium Extreme Edition which i have with one core and i find it very good. With two cores i hope it could only get better.
LMAO if you mean this

Pentium® 965 Extreme Edition w/ Dual Core Tech (3.73GHz, 4MB Cache)

That is a pentium D not a core 2 duo :p. Before you try to contradict people, do your own research.
^^ No offence Uh-Oh, but the P4 EE is nothing more than a marketing gimmick with some extra L2 cache.

What we all are saying is that Dell should have launched with the new Core 2 Duo processors (Which I'm pretty sure they will soon).
(And Chaos, i never said anywhere at anytime that it was a core 2 duo. So maybe you should no a better job reading first. But since this thread isn't about if you can read or not, lets just get back on topic)

^^Oh i definaltey agree, but we all know DELL is slow on picking up the newest tech for its computers but i think it is also improving especially with the newer options for the "no-preinstalled software" option.
4Mb cache doesnt makes any shit difference. opterons 1mb is much faster than the 4mbn offered in EE so in the end u'll see its the fill rate which matters. its really marketing gimmick :p.
a decent core 2 duo is much awaited for lappys :D.
I think what X86 meant when he wrote "fill rate" is how much data can be crammed into the processors pipelines for actual operations.

There is actually no point having such huge stages in them if there is so much latency between the memory and the processor. Yup it can go ahead and prefetch a whole lot of instructions but unless Intel gets hooked up with something similar to AMDs Hyper "Bus" well.....

BTW the system is gorgeous...One landed up at work for testing purposes and wow....These guys are doing a pretty good job at innovating and tying up with the likes of Nvidia etc.