6 Megabytes to download, ~40 Megabytes after installation
Tested on Windows XP 32 and 64 bit versions. Should work on older Windows variants as well.
Desktop Earth is a wallpaper generator for Windows. It runs whenever you're logged on and updates your wallpaper with an accurate representation of the Earth as it would be seen from space at that precise moment.
Images are created from high-resolution textures (2560x1280) so it's perfect for that QSXGA display - but they work on anything, even on SVGA.
There is an image for every month to accurately depict snow and foliage changes, and the night view is simply stunning.
The imagery is based on NASA's Blue Marble Next and Earth's City Lights.
- Auto-updating clouds
- WinXP 64-bit support
- Support for non-Active Desktop wallpapers
- Support for resultions spanning more than one monitor
- Cropping & black bars optional
- Lossy compression (download size 6 megs instead of 34)
- Different night images
- Faster & better-looking day/night algorithm